
Digital Meeting


The “Mapping” phase of DIGEYA was a critical step in identifying the digital skills gaps among youth in three partner regions: Fundão (Portugal), Turkey, and Romania. Through this initiative, we engaged over 450 young people in these regions, gathering data on their digital competencies and needs. This was achieved through school-based group sessions and one-on-one interviews, ensuring a thorough and inclusive understanding of the youth’s digital landscape. Each participant completed a comprehensive survey designed to assess their familiarity with essential digital tools, online safety, and access to digital resources.

Besides simply collecting data, the mapping activity led to in a valuable report that highlighted regional differences as well as common challenges that youth face in terms of digital access and skills. The findings from this phase will be used to develop tailored digital training and empowerment programs, to guarantee our actions address the most pressing needs identified. The report is available for download on this page and provides valuable insights for NGOs, educators, and policymakers interested in youth digital development.


The mapping report allowed us to address the diverse digital needs of youth in the three countries during the project’s key activities.

Now, available to download:

Translations in Portuguese, Turkish, and Romanian will be available soon


O relatório de mapeamento permitiu-nos abordar as diversas necessidades digitais dos jovens nos três países durante as principais actividades do projeto.

Agora, disponível para descarregar:


Haritalama raporu, projenin temel faaliyetleri sırasında üç ülkedeki gençlerin çeşitli dijital ihtiyaçlarını ele almamızı sağladı.

Şimdi indirilebilir:


Raportul de cartografiere ne-a permis să abordăm diversele nevoi digitale ale tinerilor din cele trei țări în timpul activităților cheie ale proiectului.

Acum, disponibil pentru descărcare: