About us

Who we are & what we do

This project is KA210 – Small-scale Partnership project in youth field under under Erasmus+ Programme and funded by European Union.

The pandemic context has affected the activity of NGOs, young people and volunteers in the last year. SELFMADE, KIYIDOSK, and ALT have postponed several projects and now we are in active discussion to use the online tools to do the online activities. The members of the 3 organizations participated in workshops supported by NA and at SALTO level to start the implementation of online mobility. The current situation analysis based on the institution is as follows


-52% of individuals had basic or above basic level of digital skills in 2019 (Eurostat)

-Portugal currently ranks 16th and performs above the EU27 average (Digital Economy and Society Index – DESI)

-Selfmade has implemented a TC that developed digital skills of YWs;

-The sustainable development strategy for the region of Fundão, established by the Municipality of Fundão and the LCSA, includes striving to become the most digital region in PT, this project will contribute towards that goal

-Selfmade are new to KA210 projects

-Selfmades participation will further develop their skills in the promotion of Digital Tools and Skills to other Youth Workers and improve their internal procedures.


-Digital skills rate for learning of young people below 16 years old in Turkey is 22% (Turkish Statistical Institute)

-Participation rate in online education is 3% in Turkey and 10% in EU countries Conf Eurostat, 2019

-According to our survey among teachers in Belen, they lack motivation/time to use digital tools.

-Reduced number of teachers using digital tools


-Active members: only 6 members of 15 active know how to use digital tools in their work

-Volunteers: only 27% of volunteers know how to use digital tools

-The challenges of the current context and the need for digitization among young people

-Low number of workshops for young people to learn to use the new online tools

-YOUNG WORKER’s distrust of making online KA1 mobility

-RO occupies the last position in the EU in terms of digital skills.


These results were obtained following a questionnaire made in the 2 organizations, where we had a total of 87 answers.

The objectives of the project are:

  1. Acquisition and increase of digital skills for 12 youth workers (YW) and 76 young people (Y) aged 18-30 from partner organizations working actively in the field of youth for 12 months (M).

This obj. will be accomplished through training course mobility, the 12 workshops (WS), and 6 brokerage events.

  1. Mapping needs at the local community level in terms of digital skills and knowledge of young people to work with innovative tools.

This mapping will be done between M2-4 and will be done at 450.

  1. Demand for organizational capacity through cross-sectoral cooperation between NGOs and local authorities, development of coordination skills, and synergies during the 12M of the project
  2. Develop 2 video playlists with educational content for youngsters and youth workers about social media and digital competencies
Young People In Mapping
Youth Workers To Be Trained
Participants in 12 workshops
Stakeholders in 6 brokerage events


We did our first official meeting to start.

We analyses situation of young people regarding the level of digital skills.

We prepare and train youth workers.

A comprehensive training for young people with the necessary skills.

Building partnerships between civil society and local authorities, stakeholders.

Promoting Intellectual result and creating new partnerships.

Finalizalition and presentation of the results of the project.

We are open to collaborate. Let’s bring your creative ideas to life together.